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When payroll is processed, you can make the payments for the liabilities due in "Step 4" of the Pay Employees process.
If you make your Liability Payments monthly or quarterly, you can make the payments in the Manage Liabilities screen.
To process a payment in Manage Liabilities:
- On the left side, (Annotated below as "1" in red.) from box 1, select the desired payment to be made.
- Below there choose the desired employee list to be used
Note: It is suggested that you use the Master List as it has all employees listed. Some lists may not have all employees on them.
- Select the period to pay and then click the "Calculate Amount Due" button to display the amount due to the right ("2" in red).
Note: DO NOT use the Return Key on your Keyboard as it will cause the breakdown of the items included in the payment ("3" in red) to zero out and will cause errors when posting them to Quickbooks.
If you need to change the Date or Check Number use the Tab key on your keyboard or use your mouse to move between fields.
- The "Verify" button ("4" in red) will pull up a report showing the amount due by Pay Period on the right side. On the left side, it will show any payments that have been recorded into the program and applied to the payment period you selected that you can use to verify the amount due and the amount being paid is correct.
The report can be printed by going to the "Preview" menu across the top of your monitor screen and selecting "Print All".
- When you are ready to process the payment, you can click on "Record Only" to have the payment record into the program but not print a check.
- If you send in a check or wish to have a copy of it on plain paper then click the "Print Check" button to print the check and have it record into the payroll program.
- Select your "Liability Check" form and click "Print", then print the payment.